Expedia: Two Step

In this charming commercial, the first made for the Japanese market by Expedia’s in-house team, line-dancing enthusiasts take every opportunity to brush up their technique before planning a trip to the dance’s homeland. Directed by Hiro Murai at Doomsday Entertainment in LA.

Expedia team:
Kevin Tenglin, Mike McCommon, Bruno Barbieri, Diogo Valim, Mallory Brooke Taylor, Euzcil Castaneto, Luke Harris, Chandreyi Saha Davis, Carey Malloy, Michele Rousseau, Jess Watts, Jessica Eichner, Lindsey Wood, Perrin Rausch, Yo Umeda, Adam Nelson, Erika Ruiz, Akina Murai, Anh Do, Iman Forde, Laura Molnar.

Production Company: Doomsday Entertainment
Director: Hiro Murai
EP: Jason Cole

Music Supervisor: Andrew Charles Kahn at Good Ear Music Supervision