M&S Food: Saving All Over The Store

In one of the more unlikely brand tie-ins of recent times, veteran rockers Status Quo are ‘Saving all over the store’ as they serenade shoppers with an updated version of Rockin’ All Over the World. New lyrics include: “Oh here we are at M&S and here we go. Remarksable Value means that prices are low”.

Apparently, the ad, which will run on social media channels, was the idea of Jack Norbury, one of M&S’s youngest retail managers who suggested it to the CEO, and picks up on recent efforts by the brand to encourage staff to post on TikTok about its value range. (Nick Asbury has written a great piece providing more content on his Substack blog here).

Judging by the overwhelmingly positive reaction in the comments on YouTube, M&S shoppers are enjoying the collaboration, which also features real M&S staff.